Wednesday, August 31, 2005

White People Find, Black People Loot

An interesting example of racism in the media's covereage of the New Orelans disaster has been circulating around the inter-web. Flickr user dustin3000 uploads two similar news photos that show flood victims in New Orleans wading in chest-deep water. In each, a person appears to be dragging a bag or box or two of food or beverages.

The images were shot by different photographers, and captioned by different photo wire services. The Associated Press caption accompanying the image with a black person says he's just finished "looting" a grocery store. The AFP/Getty Images caption describes lighter skinned people "finding" bread and soda from a grocery store. No stores are open to sell these goods.

Perhaps there's more factual substantiation behind each copywriter's choice of words than we know. But to some, the difference in tone suggests racial bias, implicit or otherwise.

Link to comparison, and here are the originals: one, two.

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Friday, August 19, 2005

A Broadband Modem That Thinks Its A Dial Up

Just set up Irish Broadband's Ripwave on my laptop. I live about two skips and a donkey's tail from the Gunniess Storehouse which provides the base for their signal. I'm trying to download a video from Fat-Pie - it's like trying to beat a rose bush into shitting candy apples.

The speed is a whopping 7.1kb/sec, with just 2.6 mb of a 36.8Mb file downloading. Over and hour and a half left to go....tick tock..tick tock. The fucking gaping disappointment of it all. And the worst thing about it is that we were going to get the 2mb Breeze option, but the stupid property management company that runs the apartment complex won't let people put fucking aerials on the roof. Not to mention that they had to re-deliver the modem cos some wingnut of a courier gave it to some random lunatic living somewhere in my apartment complex ensuring it never materialises again, while he looks at it trying to figure out is it a blender or a vibrator.

I've moved it around, covered up various aspects of it with books and other such tosh, even hired little elves to dance around with it and the connection is still unforgiveably shite. I mean the point of having the damn thing was to avoid wasting cash in net cafes and getting my downloading on. It's fine for downloading tracks actually but a complete disaster for anything thats static on the net and not dependent on someone else's upload speed.

I am not alone

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