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Friday, December 09, 2005OOP LA! The Poshie Goes Down...Arriving over to their gaff to pour scorn on the parents for the wayward infleunce of their little Nicorette, lead to the uncovering a tale of rags to riches glory, when it emerged the lumpen wing of her family had pulled itself up through education to the position of a sociology lecturer. Told by her lost relative that their daughter was forbidden from young Sophie's company, the tables were turned and Sally's face hit the floor. Distant Sociology Lecturing Relative: Since hanging around with your daughter, she's been speaking mooo...more broad...lets say more "aye, boy gum." We can no longer faciltate the furtering of that friendship. Sally: WHA-EVER! (Said with all the ferocity of Lady S.OV.) DSLR: Whatever? Now, I see where she gets it. Sally: Everyone says it nows-a-days...look at you, you're all airs and graces and sounding your "h"s... DSLR:...and your still a bleached blond harpie After a nerve calming half gallon of alcohal in the Rover's, it was back to the kitchen sink drama of the 1950's with the Websters taking pride, once again in their humble roots and an end to Sally's desire to upper middle class tosh. Sally: no one in this family will ever be posh, yer dads going to the chippy.. Kev: ...and when i get back, i spect every one to be sittin round da telly eatin' with their hands.. Sally: ..and pickled onions all round. Labels: TV
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