Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Crouch Crouch Walk Forward Punch!

Sudden new NME darlings Hadouken are far more exciting than the sub-Kula Shaker mysticism in eighties shell suits dished out by the Klaxon's - but inevitably they'll end lumped in alongside the whole new rave thing regardless.

The background chug of Indie guitars is familiar but its interesting how they've wedded contemporary grime and dub-step to crazy cartoon Britpop bouncing choruses and lad swagger. Anyone who sees fit to mix the Klaxons with Skepta and Virus Syndicate's alright with me. Isn't there one or two Mark1 tracks riddled with game vocal samples as well? As usual the Hype Machine will fix you up with your downloads. I'd love to see a direct link to that mix for Annie Nightangle's show.

And while we're on a vaguely Street Fighter angle, this live stage skit of a Ryu and Ken training session in the ancient art of Konami had me spluttering apple juice all over my computer screen with laughter.

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