Wednesday, January 17, 2007

In The Box 1: Enduser

Kaboogie are promising another night of bass heavy enough to make your granny cry as stateside speaker thrasher Enduser takes a break from touring with Bong-ra to fuck the place up down Kennedys way this friday. Enduser uses fractured beats and the machinery of an industrially tinged drum and bass to tear through every genre you try barricade him in with. The grinding sonic terror at the heart of Endusers music is cushioned in often soft female vocals like on his Bollywood Breaks release or more commonly filthily compounded by violent ragga vocal lifts as on Comparing Paths.

Find yourself a copy of Bollywood Breaks for a lesson in cementing over hippy visions of Goa or India in a bizarre collage of dnb and world music.
There's a fair chunk of tracks over at the C8 site for you to start pillaging to get you in the mood before Friday night. Here's a short interview with him, he's both short and cheeky but if interested you can drag up a more in-depth piece with Enduser over at Exploding Plastic.

You're on tour with Bongra at the moment, how's that going and how are crowds reacting to you?

Tour is good, crowds are great for the most part. Sometimes they want more straight forward dnb but i think it's shit.

As a teenager what were your main musical influences?

Godflesh, Swans and Napalm Death

When did you first start making music and what pushed you into it?

I've always made music. I just started putting out records to pay for my medication.

Describe your first track in ten words, be as cruel or self-praising as you want?

Two tape decks and here are a few more words...

What's your stimulant/drink of choice?

I'm sure you will find out very soon

What was the best gig you attended in the past year?

I can't remember.

Bollywood Breaks is a fantastic release - how did you get the idea for combining such distinct musical styles and why a whole release of it?

All music can be treated like this, just two things I enjoy sounded ok to me.

What can we expect from you in the near future?

I'm going to have lunch soon. Then some music. Maybe I'll be dead in a few days, I don't know yet.

The net is increasingly important in music, how are you using and do you buy the hype about it changing everything?

Internet is good and bad. I don't see how anyone can say that hasn't changed everything.

Where did the name Enduser come from and why do you want to 'fuck up the system?'

Enduser = end user. Everyone. I made a song called that but it was a typo. it was supposed to be called "fuck up your sister". It's a personal thing, I'll explain later.

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that c8 site is great, thanks reddy, looking forward to this more now..

Nice intavue
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